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Open a business ID in 10 minutes.

Wolt or Foodora
courier partner 💙

Invoice your delivery work through the reliable and familiar Truster, now also with a Business ID at our trusted 0.99% service fee rate.

We are the official partner of Wolt and Foodora, ensuring you and thousands of other courier partners receive the best, smoothest, and easiest service possible.

Start with business ID ->

How affordable is Truster

Truster's service fee of less than one percentage point (0.99%) is the lowest on the market and provides the courier partner with everything they need to run a successful business.

One of the big advantages of a percentage-based service fee is that you don't have to pay if you don't invoice, but we still handle all the necessary tax reporting. So no fixed monthly fees, pay when you bill, get the job done anyway!

Example of billing:

Invoicing -> 1 000,00 €
Service fee -> 9,90 €

Why choose Truster?

You're in safe hands.

More than €150 million has already been invoiced through Truster.
Your money is in good hands too.

Official partner of Wolt and Foodora

The partnership makes it easy and affordable for you. Collaborative pricing and automatic invoicing make it very easy to do business with Truster.

Do the work, we'll do the rest.

We will take care of all your tax, accounting and other bureaucratic needs. Just do the work and enjoy the reward.

Over 30 000 users

Thousands of courier partners trust us, why not you?
Contact our customer service team or visit our office if you have any questions.

A business ID in 10 minutes?

Yes - With Truster, you can open a business ID in up to 10 minutes.
Incredible, isn't it?

Open a business ID ->

The most affordable & best choice for
courier partners

Business ID

0.99% of the invoice
0 € start-up costs
Working almost full-time as a courier partner and earning thousands of euros a month?
We recommend you to become a self-employed entrepreneur.
Start a business ID ->

Check out Truster Guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions

Download the Truster app!

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