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The light entrepreneur's guide

On this page, we've put together some articles to help you get off to an easy start on the path to becoming a light entrepreneur. Check out the articles!

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Articles for the light entrepreneur

We have compiled the most frequently asked questions from our billing experience into a guide for light entrepreneurs. You can also discuss it further with us.

Creating an invoice Truster- it's easy!

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How to receive a direct debit

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Subcontractor: how to share your data with the end user

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Order management

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Summer job 2025 for students

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What is the difference between gross and net pay?

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How does the OP light entrepreneur service differ from Truster light entrepreneurship?

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What is YEL insurance?

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The trump card - what would be good to know?

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Daily allowances, mileage and meal allowances 2025

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How to choose the right billing partner?

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A social influencer or influencer as a light entrepreneur?

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What should you know about employing a light entrepreneur?

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How do I know if my customer has paid the invoice?

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Payroll calculation from Truster

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Pricing of the work of a light entrepreneur

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Light entrepreneurship and studying: how to combine them smoothly

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Tax deductions & tax return for light entrepreneurs

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Light entrepreneurship as a summer job: why is it worth it?

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Contract of assignment for a light entrepreneur

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Can a light entrepreneur get unemployment benefit?

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What does light entrepreneurship mean?

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Can an unemployed person be a light entrepreneur?

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Is a light entrepreneur a self-employed person?

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Is light entrepreneurship profitable?

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Who can become a light entrepreneur?

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Is the employment condition fulfilled in light entrepreneurship?

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Who is light entrepreneurship suitable for?

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Is a light entrepreneur self-employed?

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What entrepreneurial terms
you should know?

Light entrepreneur
A user of the billing service. A person invoices his/her work without his/her own company ID through the billing service. Also spelt incorrectly as a light entrepreneur.
Invoicing service
A company that offers light entrepreneurs the possibility to invoice using the service ID and pay the employee's salary.
Weekly salary
Wages that are paid before the invoice is paid.
Instant payment
The bank transfer can be made as an express payment, which ensures that your salary is credited to your account on the same day.
Contract of assignment
A contract of assignment is concluded between the employee and the client. The contract should be in writing, for example by e-mail. It is a good idea to agree with the client on at least the price, the content of the work and the time schedule.
Light entrepreneur
Billing service user. A person invoices his/her work without his/her own ID through the billing service. Also spelled incorrectly as a light entrepreneur.
Registration certificate
The registration certificate proves that the light entrepreneur works through this billing service. In general, a certificate less than six months old is sufficient to prove that the light entrepreneur is insured through the billing service.
Value added tax (VAT)
VAT is a tax imposed and collected by the state on the service or product to be invoiced. VAT is added to the amount invoiced and is usually 24%. The billing service accounts for this tax to the state on your behalf.
The pension for light self-employed persons and self-employed persons is paid in the form of self-employed pension insurance, abbreviated YEL. YEL is compulsory if your billing accumulation exceeds certain limits.
Business ID
The business name entrepreneur or business name is a lighter form of business than the actual company. A sole proprietor has his or her own business ID and, unlike a real company, is personally responsible for all activities under the business name.
Tax card
A tax card is needed to pay your salary. It shows your tax rate, which is deducted from your gross salary.
Tax deductions
Travel allowances, daily allowances and meal allowances can be paid as tax-free reimbursements of expenses in connection with the payment of wages by the billing service. You can deduct the service charge and any YEL contribution as work-related expenses in your own tax return.
Travel allowance
The travel allowance can be paid tax-free when the salary is paid, provided it is also on the invoice. Otherwise, the deduction can be made in your own tax return.
Daily allowance
The daily allowance can be paid tax-free when the salary is paid, provided it is also on the invoice. Otherwise, the deduction can be made in your own tax return.
Meal Allowance
The meal allowance can be paid tax-free when the salary is paid, provided it is also on the invoice. Otherwise, the deduction can be made in your own tax return.
Health insurance contribution
The billing service will deduct from your salary the contribution under the Health Insurance Act. The health insurance contribution is deducted from your gross salary.
Insurance for the light entrepreneur
As a light entrepreneur, you usually need the same insurance as a self-employed person. These include liability insurance, accident insurance, self-employed persons' pension insurance, etc.
Liability insurance
As a light entrepreneur, you usually need the same insurance as a self-employed person. These include liability insurance, accident insurance, self-employed persons' pension insurance, etc.
Accident insurance
In the event of an accident, the accident insurance will pay for doctor's visits and other treatment-related expenses.
Reverse charge
Reverse charge (reverse charge) means that the buyer is responsible for paying the tax. This is common in construction work. In this case, work that is, for example, subject to VAT at 24% is charged to the buyer without tax and the buyer is responsible for paying the tax.
Reliable partner report
The Reliable Partner Report is the quickest way to ensure that your company has complied with the requirements of the Public Limited Liability Act. On construction sites, compliance with the Contractors' Liability Act is often checked before work starts.
Tax debt certificate
A tax debt certificate proves that the company has paid its taxes correctly and has fulfilled its social responsibilities.
Light entrepreneur's calculators

Browse our calculators

How much do I have to invoice to get a certain amount in my account or how much of the invoiced amount will I get paid after tax? How was VAT calculated? Is Truster €49/month really the cheapest for me?

Service fee calculator for light entrepreneurs

Service fee

Calculate how much Truster 49 €/month is cheaper for you than Truster Light. You will receive an amount more than the amount shown in the calculator in your account.

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