When a company employs several people as light entrepreneurs, it may be time to consider working with an invoicing service. This benefits both the company and the light entrepreneur, as things run much more smoothly for both the light entrepreneur and the company when as many light entrepreneurs as possible invoice centrally through one service.
The light entrepreneur himself always has the freedom to choose which service he wants to invoice through, but the client can always recommend a service and, in the framework of a possible cooperation, also offer some advantage for the light entrepreneur, for example a lower service fee. But how do you find the right partner for your business?

What are the benefits of cooperation?
Depending on the service, it is possible to tailor the cooperation agreement to meet your company's needs. For example, you can agree on a convenient batch invoicing system, so that the company does not have to accept and pay each light entrepreneur's invoice separately. Batch invoicing saves time for both the employing company and the individual light entrepreneur.
By employing light entrepreneurs under a cooperation agreement with the billing service, the company also appears very modern in offering future employment options and with a ready-made cooperation that saves everyone time and money.
How many light entrepreneurs bill a business?
If the company employs a few light entrepreneurs on an occasional basis, it may not matter much where and how their bills come from. If, on the other hand, the company regularly buys work from light contractors, the way in which the invoicing is handled is already relevant. Or even if you employ a larger number of light entrepreneurs once a year, for example for the summer, it is worth working with an invoicing service to make it easier for the company to invoice skilled workers and to offer convenience to the skilled workers.
It is a clear time-saver for the company to accept one invoice instead of tens, hundreds or even thousands. So if you have a large number of light entrepreneurs, you should definitely choose a service that can handle batch invoicing.
What kind of service is needed from the Light Business Service?
Working with a reliable billing service is always designed to meet your business needs. A good service is often recognised by the fact that it provides a dedicated contact person for the company to contact for any issue related to the partnership.
The invoicing service supports the company in employing light entrepreneurs, not just handling the invoicing. It clarifies issues that come up, prepares material to distribute to light entrepreneurs, keeps in regular contact with the company.
So it's worth looking into the different services and asking what each one offers. A dedicated contact person will have a very different interest in running your business and will want to be a true partner to your business.
How is billing information transferred?
For example, if the invoicing of a company's light entrepreneurs is based on a system where the light entrepreneur selects the gigs, an agile partner can be used to transfer invoicing data directly to the billing service via the interface. The billing service creates invoices for the light entrepreneurs' own billing service accounts and then compiles a single summary invoice that is sent to the company for payment. All data is automatically transferred across the interface and the risk of human error is greatly reduced!
With a flexible partner, invoicing data can also be agreed to be delivered in other ways (e.g. Excel) if it is not possible to build an interface. Even in data transfer, flexibility is a sign of a reliable partner, working together to find the most agile and effective way to meet your business needs.
Does a light entrepreneur need help with light entrepreneurship?
In many cases, the invoicing service has made it really easy for a light entrepreneur to create an invoice. However, there are always situations where a light entrepreneur needs help or has questions. Especially if you have a large number of light entrepreneurs in your company, the customer service of the invoicing service you choose as a partner is important. When you can direct your light entrepreneurs to contact your billing service for billing, payroll, travel expenses, insurance, again you save valuable time.
What kind of insurance does the Light Business Service have for its light entrepreneurs?
The billing services have insured light entrepreneurs with the required insurance. With a reliable billing service, the insurance is also comprehensive and covers potential damage up to €1 million. Depending on the sector, these can make a big difference in that, in the event of a claim, the insurance will cover even potentially larger losses.
What is the value proposition of the billing service?
When you choose a service that shares your values as a partner, you can work together more easily and work together when you see the same things as important.
When you are looking for the best partner for your business in light business invoicing, contact us! At Truster, we have great customer service, competitive pricing and state-of-the-art systems. Plus, our partners get a dedicated contact person to help your business with your specific light business needs, so as an employer you always know who to contact.
We want to give everyone the freedom to work where they want - when and where they want! For businesses, we want to offer the best partnership - exactly what you need!