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Truster media bank for journalistic purposes

Media Bank

Welcome to Truster's media folder. The media folder contains media usage guidelines, images, videos, and Truster logos. Please keep in mind that the photos and other material on this page are for journalistic purposes only. Commercial use is prohibited.

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Media folder

Truster Logo Dark blue

Dark blue Truster

Use the logo on a light background and when referring to Truster's service. Make sure that the contrast level is at least AA grade.

Truster Logo White

White Truster

Use the logo on a dark background and when referring to the Truster service. Make sure that the contrast level is at least AA grade.

Truster Icon dark blue

Dark blue Truster T

Use the logo on a light background and when referring to a Truster app or service. An icon logo is good in those situations where: Truster is familiar as a company. Make sure that the contrast level is at least AA grade.

Truster Icon White

White Truster T

Use the logo on a dark background and when referring to a Truster app or service. An icon logo is good in those situations where: Truster is familiar as a company. Make sure that the contrast level is at least AA grade.

Truster Icon round dark blue

Dark blue circle

Use the logo on a light background and when referring to a Truster app or service. A round logo is good in those situations where: Truster is familiar as a company. Make sure that the contrast level is at least AA grade.

Truster Icon round dark blue

White circle

Use the logo on a dark background and when referring to a Truster app or service. An icon logo is good in those situations where: Truster is familiar as a company. Make sure that the contrast level is at least AA grade.

You can also have fun at work

You can have fun at work

In the words of our team members: "Truster doesn't have a day that he doesn't laugh at work".

Dog Truster Edi

Truster dog Edi

Edi is a brave office dog. In his element, Edi is on the afters.

Truster distribute saddle covers

Truster saddle protectors

Truster constantly distributes free saddle covers to the saddles of bikes in the Kamppi area. Nobody likes a wet saddle, does it?

Truster's light entrepreneur Catharina vacuuming

Light entrepreneur Catharina

Truster's light entrepreneur Aden Abdirizak

Light entrepreneur Aden

Accent color
Light Blue
Copy color codeColor code copied
Heading color
Truster Blue
Copy color codeColor code copied
Element color
Clean Grey
Copy color codeColor code copied
Text color
Copy color codeColor code copied

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