Light entrepreneurship is perfect
A combination of responsibility and freedom
Light entrepreneur or establishing a business name? You can always start a business name later, light entrepreneurship does not bind you in any way. While you're thinking, do a job you enjoy.
Bill anywhere
Bill immediately, slip your phone into your pocket and take time off. In Truster's clear mobile app, billing is always where you are.

Increase salary when you want
As a light entrepreneur, you increase your salary when it suits you. Before we pay the money into your account, we take care of the bureaucracy for you.

With Truster, you get more money in the account
As a light entrepreneur, you probably don't want to pay expensive service fees. That's why Truster's flat-rate
(€49/month) package is for you. Switch to the cheapest one.

Do you need YEL insurance?
You can also easily get YEL insurance through us. We take care of the YEL payments for you while paying your wages.

Fair domestic invoicing service
Truster is a Finnish invoicing service for light entrepreneurs, which we dare to claim as the most affordable in our field. The most affordable is also very good.

An insanely good app
Bill immediately, slip your phone into your pocket and take time off. In Truster's clear mobile app, billing is always where you are.