Entrepreneur, sole trader, self-employed, sole trader, sole trader, light entrepreneur... so what? The terms can be a bit of a mouthful. So what is the best form of entrepreneurship? Could you become a sole trader? Let's look at the possibilities!
What does it mean that you are a trader?
Aself-employed person is an entrepreneur who carries on business independently in his own name. This form of self-employment is best suited when you want to employ only yourself and your activities are relatively small-scale. Often a self-employed person is a sole trader.
A trader can have a trading name - but not necessarily
Is a self-employed person the same as a trader? In most cases the answer is yes. In the minds of the general public, the business name and the sole trader have become one and the same thing, and they almost are. Officially, a business name means the name of the company registered in the Trade Register.
But you know what? You don't necessarily need a business name to run a business. You can set up a business name if you want, but it's not necessary. Truster light-entrepreneur invoicing service allows anyone to be a trader without a business ID and registration.
Should I set up a business name?
So what should you do? Let's look at the pros and cons.
If you want to become an entrepreneur, the easiest and simplest way is to set up a company name and become self-employed. The tax treatment of a trading company is also fairly straightforward, as all income from the company is your personal income. Of course, you must remember to pay the taxes yourself in advance in the form of advance taxes.
As an entrepreneur, you have more responsibility - both for money and for getting things done. To get you started, setting up a business costs €70. An entrepreneur also usually has a certain amount of mandatory running costs, such as accounting and various insurances. You will be personally responsible for all your company's bills and other obligations. Paperwork can be frustrating if you only have to work from time to time.
Easily become self-employed as a light entrepreneur
If you're interested in entrepreneurship but still hesitant, try Truster light entrepreneurship. You can skip the paperwork and just focus on what you really want to do.
You can easily find out if there are enough jobs available for you or if there is demand for a business idea, for example. If you want, you can easily continue as a light entrepreneur, or become an entrepreneur later, once you know you have the wings to succeed.
If you decide to try the Truster light entrepreneur billing service, we'll take care of your employer costs and other obligations for you. Start lightly with no monthly fee and try it out with a service fee only, which means we'll keep 3.99% of your salary as a commission. There are no other costs for you to pay and you don't have to fill in any set-up forms. You just get an easy paycheck for the job directly into your account. Brilliant, isn't it?
Would light entrepreneurship be right for me?
If you work on a gig basis, work infrequently, for example while studying, or want to work a gig alongside your main job, then a light entrepreneurial career is perfect for you. If your income is soaring, then full-time entrepreneurship could be a gamble worth considering.
Light entrepreneurs include many service providers, construction, transport and cleaning professionals, as well as freelancers in the creative and digital sectors. In many sectors, it is not so much contracts that are negotiated as individual projects. You should often be able to agree an assignment or a job quickly, but it can slip through the cracks if you can't bill the client. This is where we come to your rescue. Try our Truster invoicing service right now. You don't commit to anything!