What is the invoicing service for light entrepreneurs?
Choose the right plan
With us, the pricing of the invoicing service for light entrepreneurs has been made as clear as possible. We dare to claim that we are the most affordable operator in our industry – and we offer the same delicacies as our competitors. In our opinion, there should be room for manoeuvre in pricing for different life situations. Many people have liked Truster's fixed monthly price of 49 €, but you can choose which plan suits you best.

Invoice easily in apps
Invoice the work you do in the Truster mobile app, wherever you are, and take time off. After that, you can forget about the whole thing, and soon you will receive a salary in your account. Using the invoicing service for a light entrepreneur is just as easy as it sounds, and it does not bind you to anything. While you are thinking about starting a business name, for example, as a light entrepreneur, do a job that you enjoy, and invoice the work with a few touches.

Save money with Truster
Regular income as a light entrepreneur? Save money with Truster's fixed-price plan. We charge a fixed monthly fee of 49 € every 30 days directly from your payment card. What more can a light entrepreneur wish for?