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Advance taxes Truster Pro Light - service


Truster withhold taxes at the tax rate on your payroll income as shown on your tax card. Please note that the tax rate can only be set once by Truster for sole traders, so you will need to update your tax rate yourself in the Truster application if the rate changes.

Please note that if the Tax Administration has imposed advance taxes on you, Truster cannot pay these on your behalf. You will have to pay the advance taxes yourself. If you have been charged advance taxes, please set the tax rate to 0% in the Truster application so that we do not charge tax on your payments.

How to set the tax rate in Truster from your company details 👇

How does income tax work on Truster Pro Light ?

When your customer pays the invoice you send, any charges are deducted from the invoice. From the remaining amount, we automatically deduct a percentage based on your tax rate and transfer it to the Tax Administration at the end of the year.

A percentage is therefore deducted from each payment, according to your tax rate. We will take care of all withholdings and settlements with the Tax Administration so that you don't have to worry about them. 

Remember to estimate your income realistically and, if necessary, update the tax rate in Truster from your company's records. If you have any questions about advance tax, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service.

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