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Who is light entrepreneurship suitable for?

March 1, 2024

Interested in entrepreneurship, but not sure if you can get going? Or don't want to become a full-time entrepreneur at the moment? Light entrepreneurship could be the perfect solution for you. Light entrepreneurship is for everyone; people who are already in work, students and retired people, whatever their life situation. Indeed, light entrepreneurship is growing in popularity in Finland.

What does light entrepreneurship mean?

Truster the light entrepreneur billing service allows you to try entrepreneurship easily, without bureaucracy and, above all, without risk. As a light entrepreneur, you invoice the work you do to your customer through the invoicing service. Without a business ID, you are not officially self-employed, but you still work on the same principle. You decide on your own work and your own schedule, and you get your own clients. At Truster, we take care of all the paperwork and employer taxes for you.

So what kind of situations are suitable for light entrepreneurship?

You want to create the job of your dreams

You know you know what you're doing, but you just can't seem to find the right job? Don't be gloomy, it'll all work out. As a light entrepreneur, you can create the best job for yourself. You can decide what services you offer, what work you want to do and for which clients, on what days and at what times.

You are considering entrepreneurship

Is entrepreneurship for you? Try it first, decide later. You can start as a light entrepreneur without a business ID and without a company. Test your new business idea, the demand for your services or products, gather customers and gradually build up your entrepreneurial base. If all goes well and the business takes off, you can easily turn your light entrepreneurial activity into a full-fledged business by setting up a limited liability company or a limited liability partnership.

You do occasional gig work for different subscribers

Easily bill different subscribers for occasional jobs and assignments. It doesn't matter if your client is a company or an individual. You simply invoice through the billing service and you'll soon receive the money for the work you've done. It's easy for your clients to buy your services when they don't have to worry about how to pay their employer's taxes.

You want to work part-time alongside your full-time job

There are interesting jobs available alongside your day job, but how can you take them in a smart way? Well, as a light entrepreneur! Do just as much side work as you like, bill when you can and earn a nice extra income. No pressure from bureaucracy, taxes or other obligations - we'll take care of them.

You want to gain work experience and clientele during your studies

Starting your own business may not seem like a good idea while you're still studying, but you'd still like to get started. Light entrepreneurship is a good way to gain work experience and clients while you're still studying. It's also easier to start a business when you already have clients and know how best to run it. However, if you do receive student support, make sure you do not exceed the annual income limit.

What type of light entrepreneur should you be?

Just the way you are! But there are a few things to remember. Even if we take care of all the paperwork for you, keep a record of what you've done and for whom. Also keep a record of how much money has come in and gone out. If you dream of running a full-time business, these simple entries will give you a good foundation for entrepreneurship.

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